
High Vibe Success Key #7 The Sweet Spot of Stillness & Glory River of Movement

The Dance! You flow through your day from one focused activity to the next. Your best days are sprinkled with balancing moments of letting go and letting be. You get things done. You know when it’s time to stop, look up, and feel the goodness of whatever is present. Your heart wings unfurl. You embody […]

High Vibe Success Key #6: The Miracle Field & Your North Star

I absolutely believe in the power of focused intention to create successful outcomes. To that end, for many years now I have created what I call a North Star Vision-Intention Statement. The aim of this practice is to center my focus within the Miracle Field of Possibility for my life. I always begin work with […]


About The 9 Pathways of The Soul

There are 9 fundamental pathways of human-soul development that can be symbolized by the numbers one through nine. Each number represents a universal human archetype and pathway that includes a vast spectrum of capacities, abilities and skills that reveal our Life Purpose. The 9 Pathways of the Soul According to ancient wisdom, THE 9 PATHWAYS […]

become conscious conduits

Jason & The Conduit

  When in your life have you noticed it felt easier (or you were tempted) to shut down your feelings rather than stay open to fully experiencing what was happening in the moment? How do we open ourselves to once again become a conscious conduit of the higher frequencies of love, wisdom, and healing? Jason’s […]

life blessing lighthouse

Intensity On The Way To Breakthrough

The Guest House This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat each guest honorably. […]

life blessing firework

High Vibe Success Key #1: Cultivate Higher Self Alignment

High Vibe Success is the natural outcome of choosing Higher Self Alignment, a choice we can make every moment. Cultivate Higher Self Alignment Ask yourself this question: If I were completely in alignment with my Higher Self or Inner Wisdom Source, what would I do today to keep me moving in the direction of success? […]