
High Vibe Success Key #6: The Miracle Field & Your North Star

I absolutely believe in the power of focused intention to create successful outcomes.

To that end, for many years now I have created what I call a North Star Vision-Intention Statement. The aim of this practice is to center my focus within the Miracle Field of Possibility for my life. I always begin work with new Soul Stream Coaching clients by guiding them to create their own North Star Statement to align with the changes they intend to make, and the future they most deeply desire to experience.

My Early Life Goals

For a long period in my life my North Star was filled with lists of highly-energized worldly desires and bucket list items big and small.

I wanted to travel, see the world, and live in a magical place surrounded by Nature. Be a great daughter, mom, partner, friend, healer, and all around human being. I wanted to contribute to others and the creation of a better world, to be thinner, more beautiful, and wealthy too!. Whew, no small task I’d set for myself…

When I was truly honest about priorities, my intention to know God would be found at the end of the list.


As many of these visions of possibility became my experience over the years, the realization of what matters most began to dawn. I discovered that the more I focus on spiritual communion, the more easily my heart’s desires manifest. Now, instead of trailing sadly behind all my other North Star priorities, to know the infinite radiant Divine is front and center, at the top of the list! My current North Star intention prayer begins with versions of the following:

Holy One, take me I’m yours!

Show me what is in alignment to bring forth, create, move towards, magnetize, or attract into manifestation. Shine Your grace into my heart and help me tune into the Miracle Field to listen carefully and respond to an intuitively felt, aligned soul guidance for choices and actions. Help me remember that Everything is Divine, from the pain in my broken toe to the bliss of sharing a day at the beach with a soul-sister. I bow down at the feet of this Great Mystery in gratitude for ALL of it. I am a human sunflower, a light catcher constantly turning my face toward Your Light. Naturally producing seeds of nourishment, love, and wisdom to share as a sacrament of the joyful, abundant miracle field of which we are all a part of. So be it and so it is.

Creating A New North Star

I dedicated the month of September 2022 to reset my self-care practices. It, of course, began with the creation of a new North Star. This North Star turned out to be a collective Soul Stream North Star Activation for all who resonate with it. I’d love for you to hear it.

The path of High Vibe Success in all areas of human development will be a unique journey for everyone. No matter where we are on the path, it helps to have a clear vision for where we want to go. A North Star to connect us with the Miracle Field, to guide our choices and actions. I hope I’ve inspired you to create your North Star and encourage others to do the same.

P.S. Over the years, I’ve expressed my North Star Vision through a variety of forms including writing, painting, collage, even music and dance. Below is my most recent North Star creative expression, an acrylic painting.