Empowering the Feminine Spirit

Humanity appears like a great-winged bird, the masculine wing more fully strengthened and the feminine weaker. We are flying and spinning through the universe out of balance…It doesn’t have to be this way and we can help!

My Journey Empowering the Feminine Spirit & Invitation

Here’s something you may not know about me, empowering the Feminine Spirit (energy and capacities) in the Soul of Humanity has been fundamental to my life’s mission. From age 12, when I started my first girlfriend’s club, and throughout my career as a Transformational Coach and SOUL STREAM Method Trainer, I’ve worked with women across the lifespan. From young girls to elders in many forms including Maiden Spirit Rites of Passage Program and SOUL STREAM Method Trainings

Those who know me well won’t be surprised that now, in this my 65th year, while I’m gradually being initiated into the next season of a woman’s life, I’m experiencing a surge of inspiration and Soul calling to contribute to the Feminine Spirit Rising in new ways. I see myself, close friends, and some of my beautiful coaching clients bumping up against cultural shadows of disempowering stereotypes and conditioning about the feminine and aging.

Just the other day one of my clients shared that her teen daughter wants breast implants and Botox. My heart goes out to this mother and daughter, and to all who are affected by negative expectations of women and girls at any age or stage.

What we believe and feel about ourselves makes all the difference to our fundamental peace of mind, happiness and capacity to contribute.

Honoring the Wise Woman Within and Shaping a New Vision for Aging

This initiatory journey for any woman who chooses to take it consciously includes facing transcending personal and collective internalized shadows of sexism-ageism-lookism as we fully claim and embody our feminine vitality, beauty, power, confidence, creativity, and capacity to contribute as we age.

I’m inviting you to walk beside me and witness my conscious initiation into my Wise Woman years! If you happen to be a woman in a similar season or a younger woman who wants to be prepared for the journey ahead, we can go through this rite-of-passage together. I’ll share my experience over the next many moons with the intention that others can learn from my discoveries and be better prepared (and prepare others) for this journey of empowerment too.

I’d love your help in this exploration!

As a next step you can help me name and describe an updated vision of possibility for a Wise Woman entering the elder season of her life. Together we will envision an emergent archetype of possibility that acknowledges, honors, and respects the deep beauty and wisdom gained through years of experience as a woman’s body naturally ages.

Share Your Thoughts HERE ❤️

(Those who complete the survey will receive a topic related resource document
filled with inspiration such as books, videos, movies, organizations etc. as a thank you gift.)

I truly believe the simple effect of sharing your thoughts about this important topic will ripple through the field of our collective interconnectivity and help to contribute to the possibility of a more balanced world. As we continue to pool our energies, realizations, and resources and go through this initiatory transition as a collective, we are blazing a trail of hope for all those who come after.

– Georgette Star MA, D.Min

P.S. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. It’s the only thing that ever has.”   – Margaret Meade