In the spirit of Oneness, I give freely and love unconditionally. This post is the ninth in a series exploring the 9 Pathways of the Soul. For an overview of the Pathway System and an explanation of how to calculate your “Life Purpose” Number & Archetypes 1-8, Click Here. This article is dedicated to an […]
Category Archives: Pathways of the soul
these posts will cover all 9 pathways and anything in relation to that
The world receives my gifts and reflects them back.This post is the eighth in a series exploring the 9 Pathways of the Soul. For an overview of the Pathway System and an explanation of how to calculate your “Life Purpose” Number & Archetypes 1-7, Click Here.This article is dedicated to an exploration of “PATHWAY 8”: […]
Life is all about love. I care for myself and others. This post is the sixth in a series exploring the 9 Pathways of the Soul. For An overview of the Pathway System, to read about Pathway 1, and for an explanation of how to calculate your “Life Purpose” Number & Archetypes 1-5 Click Here. […]
I LOVE TO EXPLORE AND CHANGE This post is the fifth in a series exploring the 9 Pathways of the Soul. For Previous Posts on the Pathway System: 1) Overview, calculation of Pathway Numbers, & Pathway “1”: CLICK HERE. 2) Pathway “2”: Click HERE. 3) Pathway “3”: Click HERE. 4) Pathway “4”: Click HERE. This […]
I AM GROUNDED AND STABLE. I BUILD SOLID FOUNDATIONS! This post is the fourth in a series exploring the 9 Pathways of the Soul. For An overview of the Pathway System, to read about Pathway 1, and for an explanation of how to calculate your “Life Purpose” Number & Archetype, Click Here To read […]
CREATIVE EXPRESSION GIVES BIRTH TO JOY This post is the third in a series exploring the 9 Pathways of the Soul. For an overview of the Pathway system, an explanation of how to determine your “Life Purpose” Number, and to read about “Pathway 1”, Click Here To read last week’s post – an exploration […]
WHEN I AM AT PEACE, SO ARE WE This post is the second in a series exploring the 9 Pathways of the Soul. For an overview of the Pathway system, an explanation of how to determine your “Life Purpose” Number and to read about previously discussed Pathways, Click Here! Today’s post is dedicated to an […]
PATHWAY 1: I CAN. I WILL. I AM. There are 9 fundamental pathways of human-soul development that can be symbolized by the numbers one through nine. Each number represents a universal human archetype and a pathway that includes a vast spectrum of capacities, abilities and skills, and that reveal our Life Purpose. These “pathways”, or […]
My Mom, Shirley Donatello Green, met the woman who became her friend and mentor, and who years later would become my God Mother, Jane Barkly, at a YMCA gym when she was 17. They soon discovered each other to be mutually spiritually inclined! Among other things, Jane taught my Mom about the “9 Pathways of […]
By Matt Bibeau, Program Mentor, PEACE-WARRIORS, Portland, OregonI remember clearly when the re-connection to my inner “Wise One” happened for me. I was in a place that I had come many times before, often with a friend who was also my mentor, a place where the sweet aromas of fir needles and tree blossoms tempted […]