There are 9 fundamental pathways of human-soul development that can be symbolized by the numbers one through nine. Each number represents a universal human archetype and pathway that includes a vast spectrum of capacities, abilities and skills that reveal our Life Purpose.
The 9 Pathways of the Soul
According to ancient wisdom, THE 9 PATHWAYS OR NUMBERS ARCHETYPES OF THE SOUL include:

These pathways, or numbers (these terms are used interchangeably), are examples of ancient wisdom. They reference the archetypes that can be found in the sciences of Numerology and Sacred Geometry among other systems of both ancient and contemporary wisdom.
This body of knowledge is the foundation for the (SSCBM) SOUL STREAM CLIENT BREAKTHROUGH METHOD I use in my coaching practice, and teach to other coaches and holistic practitioners. The SSCBM Method assists us to better understand others and ourselves in order to accomplish our soul’s agenda, actualize our potential and make our greatest contributions.
Using this body of knowledge in my practice
As the great mystery of Life would have it, this body of knowledge has been handed down to me through several generations and I have enhanced it through my coaching, mentorship and healing practice over several decades.
Each of us was born to express and evolve our innate capacities, abilities, and skills within all nine Pathways of the Soul! The greater our mastery of each, the greater our success, fulfillment, and contribution to life will be.
An individual Soul Code can be described by a series of numbers that can be distilled from one’s full birth name and birth date. The Code provides information regarding one’s Life Purpose, Soul Needs, Conscious Self, Natural Abilities, Karmic Lessons and more. It is a map for our journey through Life.
Click HERE to access your Free “Soul Code Life Purpose Assessment”