I Trust In A Future I Can Not See

I Trust In A Future I Can Not See

This morning when I looked out the window I was delighted to discover my incredible Lily Tree bulbs sprouting up after their first long wintering over because, if I’m perfectly honest, I wasn’t totally confident and trusting they would come back….

I’ve been thinking a lot about creative self-expression and the creative process itself because every one of my Soul Stream Coaching clients are in the midst of creating life changes and I’m currently experiencing a big one (The Woman’s Rite documentary film project).

As much as I’d like every creative process to be a straight shot from idea to manifestation in my experience it rarely goes that way. Instead, there are ebbs and flows. I’m deepening my capacity to fully enjoy the flow times and be okay with the ebb times too.

How about you?

Almost a month ago now, The Women’s Rite project team and I completed two exciting days of capturing film for a fundraising promotional video, totally in flowing creative collaboration. During the past several weeks the editing process has been going on behind the scenes and then our producer left for Bali for the month of April. For me, it’s been feeling like an ebb in my part of the creative process and I’ve been feeling a little off about the sudden shift from intense movement to stillness.

Until… I received some fabulous behind the scenes photos from those days together. They helped to reconnect me with the divine inspiration that sparked the project in the first place, all the wonderful souls involved, including the Wisdom Pearl Advisory Council of friends and supporters of the project who weren’t even there, and ignite a renewal of trust and surrender to the ebbs, flows of the process.

We are learning to unconditionally trust in a future we cannot yet see.