A recent dream…..
I’m standing with my Spiritual Teacher showing him a vision of a very Dark Night and a Dark Lake. Across the lake is a brilliant WHITE LIGHT in the shape of an angel with open arms and a star with a light that touched the surface of the lake and went high into the heavens, illuminating the area around us. We can see the mirror surface has quiet ripples and gentle movement. I hear my Teacher’s words echo potently through my heart and mind, “This IS the way it is”.
The imagery and feelings I experienced in the dream speak to the layers of emotional processing I’ve been going through since my Mom died last April… as well as what I feel humanity is going through at a Collective level right now.
What has your emotional life been like lately? What has been happening that has impacted you? What do you think the emotional temperature of collective humanity is right now?
Last week would have been my Mom’s 88th birthday. Known as Mother Love, she would have celebrated with a love of life that she expressed for as long as I can remember!
For many of her Elder years, I enjoyed creating birthday parties for her because she LOVED to be celebrated and to open presents. She loved to pray for everyone before the potluck dinner and offer her “Mother Love” wisdom in private conversations with party guests.
This year, for days before, and on the day that would have been her 88th birthday, even though I felt gladness for her new freedom… I also felt very, very SAD.
My sadness was because I wouldn’t be able to throw her a party, massage her hands or bask in the tender glow of compassion in her eyes. I wouldn’t be able to bake those Japanese sweet potatoes she loved to take back to her apartment when the party was over: I would never again see her blow me a goodbye kiss as I dropped her off at her home after the party.
Feeling the sadness in not being able to create a birthday party for her this year was a TRIGGER for more grieving AND also a catalyst for a deeper healing.
Like in my dream, energies and emotions hidden from view in the dark waters of my subconscious came up and spilled out through another wave of energy release and tears.
I gave myself a GIFT OF HEALING by turning towards that pain using an Emotional Self-Healing Process that I’m going to share with you below.
I also did something else very special to celebrate her birthday this year…..
We had a PARTY to celebrate her birthday on the last day of this 15th week of my MASTER YOUR SOUL CODE Program!!! We celebrated the teachings that Mother Love passed to me, the most important content of the program.
The MASTER YOUR SOUL CODE Group Program consisted of an international group of women in a virtual program. To celebrate both the end of the Program AND Mother Love’s birthday, we had planned ahead and all made the extra effort to mail each other physical PRESENTS to open during the closing celebration of our learning journey together.
What an incredible feast of sisterhood love, intimacy, shared learning, and soul connection it was! Thoughtful, touching, spiritually-charged GIFTS were exchanged by all. I received an incredible silk painted altar cloth, a scarf and a velvet goddess dress!
The beautiful women in this course held the space for me to weep tears of GRIEF and experience tremendous JOY simultaneously, on a day I needed this healing experience the most!
My Mom would have LOVED this birthday celebration.
Why am I sharing this story with you?
• To invite you to tune in and honor your emotional healing needs.
• To encourage you to turn towards those feelings with intentional compassion and presence.
• To support you to tune in to the emotional experiences of others.
In support of your emotional peace, I recorded the same EMOTIONAL SELF-HEALING PROCESS I used to help myself resolve the pain triggered by my Mom’s birthday this year….so you have access to this tool if you ever need it.
To access the Soul Stream Self-Healing Mp3, Click HERE!
Note: If you are experiencing intense emotional disturbance, a guided self-healing process may not be the best option for you. Instead I recommend reaching out for support from a close friend or group, competent coach, therapist or other healing practitioner.
In fact, the most potent emotional healing usually happens most effectively within a relational field, as it did for me when I expressed my grief with the MASTER YOUR SOUL CODE Program graduates during our closing celebration last week.
May the LIGHT (of our awareness) shine into the DARKNESS (of our personal and collective unconscious) to manifest as HEALING and greater wholeness.