
Activation statements


Do you know your Life Purpose Archetype Number?

If not, go HERE to find out. Below you will find the Life Purpose Activation Statement that corresponds to your Life Purpose.Before you read yours, I suggest you take a moment to bring all of your focus into the present and open heart. Ask Your Higher Self to help you embody your Purpose and access energy and motivation to live into it more fully today!!!!

Life Purpose Archetype Number 1: I am a portal of awareness. I am independent, creative and original. I contribute to the evolution of humanity with my unique energy, ideas, and leadership.

Life Purpose Archetype Number 2: I am a harmonic embrace of duality. I generate new possibilities for peace in complexity. I contribute to the evolution of humanity by the peace I generate within myself and our world.

Life Purpose Archetype Number 3: I am the artist of my life. I am joyful in the creative process. I contribute to the evolution of humanity through inspired self-expression.

Life Purpose Archetype Number 4: I am a devoted worker. I concentrate my ideas into practical structures in the material dimension. I contribute to the evolution of humanity by building stable, solid foundations.

Life Purpose Archetype Number 5: I am curious and adventurous. I am a catalyst for change and new freedom. I contribute to the evolution of humanity by transforming limitation into new realms of possibility.

Life Purpose Archetype Number 6: I am open-hearted and responsible. I love and care for myself. I contribute to the evolution of humanity through love and caring extended to others.

Life Purpose Archetype Number 7: I am connected to inner sources of knowledge, wisdom, and guidance. I explore these through gifts of mind and intuition. I contribute to the evolution of humanity by discovering all there is within.

Life Purpose Archetype Number 8: I am an energy exchange with the world. I interact in the marketplace of life. I contribute to the evolution of humanity by creating structures that actualize my values.

Life Purpose Archetype Number 9. I am wisdom attained. I embrace the world through webs of interconnectivity and evolutionary possibilities. I contribute to the evolution of humanity with my commitment to embody my soul and to envision this potential in all.

Life Purpose Archetype Number 11. I am an opening for the Divine in this world. I am a messenger for inspirational energy and information. I contribute to the evolution of humanity by providing a conduit of inspiration for the benefit of all.

Life Purpose Archetype Number 22. I am a conduit for vast, expansive inspired ideas to take global proportions. I contribute to the evolution of humanity by translating in big picture ideas into projects that manifest in the world for the benefit of all.
