When we discover our Life Purpose, we become more conscious in our behaviors. Our Life Purpose gives us the drive and motivation to pursue fulfilment, changing the way we see things, the way we do things. Our Life Purpose is what we are called to fulfill while on earth.
Mother Love
I had a conversation with my Mom (Mother Love) the other night. I asked her how she would want to be honored after she died. She responded by saying, “Well, I do not want to wait to cross the border to celebrate! I’d like to celebrate with loved ones for a couple of weeks before I decide it’s time to go. Then, when I’m good and ready, I will take my leave.” I believe that Mom will gently surrender into her transition when she knows the time is right.
Now in her late 80’s, Mother Love is very clear that her time to leave is not yet here because she still needs to fulfill her Life Purpose, and contribute more love to the humanity. She is motivated to persevere through her challenges and is energized by the drive to share her love and wisdom.
Tuning in
The following questions are offered as an invitation for you to tune in to your core sense of Life Purpose more consciously.
Have fun answering these questions with the first thing that comes to mind. When you answer each question, also ask: “What does this answer reveal about my Life Purpose?”
- If your Life Purpose were a flower what kind would it be?
- If your Life Purpose were an animal what kind would it be?
- If your Life Purpose could be described as a symbol what would it be?
And finally:
- When you feel connected with your sense of Life Purpose, where do you feel this in your body?
- Does this help you connect with your Life Purpose?
Soul Stream Life Map Reading
This is a tool that assists with discovering our purpose in this world. It assists with answering common questions like “who am I?” or “why am I here?”. During your SOUL STREAM LIFE MAP READING, we will explore the 4 Archetypes of your Soul Signature. This includes Life Purpose, Soul Needs for Fulfillment, Conscious Self, Natural Abilities, Life Lessons and more!
A deep connection with the archetypal truth of your Life Purpose will help you feel more connected to your essential value, worthiness and ability to create your life from a state of self-esteem.
About Georgette Star MA, D.Min