Helloooo & Happy New Year!
Traditionally January is the month of each year when many of us take stock of lives, set intentions and make or refocus on our goals. Whether it’s making commitments to better care of our bodies, exploring new avenues for work fulfillment, resetting our meditation practice or any number of our desires for change, we can choose to start fresh.
This New Year’s blog is a continuation of the theme I explored in my December blog which introduced the state of consciousness I’m calling Sanctuary. To read more about the Sanctuary of Awakening, click here.
For the past several weeks, I’ve been in a cocoon of quiet and self-inquiry. I’ve been contemplating what I want to experience more of this year and what’s currently getting in the way of living in a soul-aligned sanctuary state of being more of the time. I’ve been pondering questions such as:
How can I stay centered in peace and love while be fully engaged in life’s busyness, intensities, challenges, even moments of chaos?
Am I willing to face and acknowledge where energy is stagnant, where I’m not taking action even though I want to?
Am I ready to clear out, to let go of, in order to create new open space for what matters most to me?
After considering the above reflections, questions, and intentions I felt a surge of motivation to start purging and sanctifying, to clear out space in my home and my psyche.
To create some structure for this motivation to manifest, I dedicated January to a holistic reset—a “New Year Purge” to clear and sanctify the temple of body, mind, heart, home, office etc. Every day for the rest of this month I’ll be engaged in a psychic and physical decluttering and refresh.
Perhaps you’d like to join me?
I’m asking myself “What one thing can I let go of today?” and “What are today’s priorities for taking care of this body-mind-heart and home sanctuary?” These daily reminders are invitations to explore where energy isn’t flowing as fully as it could be and find out what’s needed to release and open to the new.

Just imagine living in a sanctuary state of being and a home space where you feel lighter, more available and more open to inspiration? What might you let go of to create space for fresh creative energy to flow into and through you?
Maybe you’re already someone whose physical cabinets, closets, and storage spaces are in an orderly condition but you still have a deep need to declutter your life. Visualize yourself with a little golden feather duster opening your mental and emotional storage spaces and dusting out trapped energy and clutter there.
I’ve included some New Year gifts for you to help take those small intentional purification and self-care actions.
May your journey to discovering and maintaining a Sanctuary of Awakening in your own life be filled with love, peace and joy!
Below you’ll find two PDF check lists I created to support your Purge and Refresh if you feel called to join me in this effort: To avoid feelings of overwhelm, I suggest we take this process one very small step at a time and one area of the psyche at a time, one drawer, one shelf, one limiting belief and its associated habit pattern. No hurry. No pressure. Only the pleasure of breakthrough release and more time in a sanctuary state of being.
PDF 1: Refresh Your Home Sanctuary: A Holistic Declutter Checklist
Decluttering isn’t just about tidying up; it’s a powerful ritual to release stuck energy, outdated patterns, and anything blocking the free flow of creative energy through your life. As you clear physical spaces, set the intention to let go of what no longer serves you—making room for inspiration, joy, and abundance to flow freely. Before you begin, take a moment to breathe deeply and set an intention: “As I release these items, I let go of all that holds me back, creating space for new energy, creativity, and opportunities to flow into my life.”
PDF 2: Body and Psyche Sanctuary Refresh: Self-Care Checklist
Creating sanctuary within yourself is a sacred act. It’s about cultivating a state of harmony in your body, mind, heart, and soul—a space where peace, vitality, and inspiration can flourish. Use this checklist as a starting point to create one that makes sense to you, a list of activities to nurture your whole being and transform your self-care routine into a sanctuary-cultivating ritual.
New Year Affirmation
I am a clear, open and welcoming sanctuary space for inspiration to land.
I am open to new pathways and support for my divine expression for the year ahead.
I am a flowing soul-stream of love and creative intelligence taking inspired action.
I am a living sanctuary.