Welcome you to the course!!!
Click here to review the Course Description page.
And… Let’s Get Started!!!
Registration Form: Please fill out our registration form, HERE.
Email Confirmation: Upon receipt of your registration form you will be added to our email contact list and receive an email with: Response Required: Please Confirm Your Request: Click the confirmation link so you can be added to our email list and receive course materials.
Course Agreement From: You will receive an email from “Hello Sign”. Please read and sign, giving permission for us to record the meetings with your image and voice included.
Mark Your Calendar: We will meet LIVE, once a week, beginning June 17th 2020 (3:00 PM Pacific) for 8 weeks. Each meeting will be 90-minutes. The first 60-minutes will be training and the final 30-minutes will be Q & A. The meetings will be recorded. You will receive an email with link to the recording within 24 hours of each meeting.
June 17, 24July 1, 8, 15, 22,29August 5Webinar Replay: Click here to review the SOUL STREAM CLIENT BREAKTHROUGH EXPERIENCE: 5 Mastery Facilitation Skills and Tools: 90-minute webinar.
Course Ebook: Click HERE to download 9 Pathways Of The Soul eBook.
Course Zoom Link: Please save this link for easy access. We will use the same link for each meeting. https://zoom.us/j/4651869359?pwd=DZng8iJP9ks
Core Jewel Calculator Link: Click HERE to access and save this link for easy access.

Georgette Star MA, D.Minwww.lifeblessing.com