Jake’s Life Purpose Demonstration Reading

“Doing a life purpose reading with Georgette has given me a much improved framework for understanding my soul’s agenda, which will help me make life choices based on a much clearer idea of what I came into this body to learn. She used archetypes and insights to help me ease my tendency to judge myself as failing, and re-frame my life so far in a way that has given it more meaning and purpose, with some practical pointers as to how to move forwards. I feel very supported, a renewed sense of hope that I am on a right track, and more faith (in the midst of unstable transition) to keep my eyes firmly on the north star of my purpose, trusting that my life is unfolding just as it should be. She also held space with enormous heart, understanding and compassion, always helping me to see more of my potential from her generous mirror. Many thanks Georgette, you are a powerful guide. ” Jake Courtis CPCC (Certified Professional Co-Active Coach), MSc Federal Coaching

Julie’s Life Purpose Demonstration Reading

“Georgette’s targeted life purpose soul stream reading was life affirming and reassuring. Although I carry the life path of the Cosmic Mom walking through life with my heart open sharing compassion and caring with others, I was reminded that part of my path is to love myself in equal measure. In addition, I can turn to my creative side to find my deepest fulfillment in life. It is comforting to be reminded of who I am at my core and what I can share with others.” Julie Aronson

Bianka’s Life Purpose Demonstration Reading

Thank you for the insightful reading. We were able to touch on quite a few key aspects of my personality. You delivered the information in a way which showed you care about the people you are working with. Still, the info was clear and easy to understand. Now a day has passed and I can still feel the effects of this reading, namely a feeling that I am suppported by universe and I can have faith to find my own way through life and be of service to others.” Bianka

Susan Johansen’s Life Purpose Demonstration Reading

“Thank you again Georgette, for this Life Purpose reading! Clarification of a ‘caretaker’ life purpose is extremely helpful. While I’ve had this awareness since childhood, it’s in adulthood that I’ve been shown the distinction between ‘care taking’ (emotionally fulfilling to both giver and reciever) vs enabling/doing for other what they need to do for themselves (emotionally & spiritually draining).Thus, a clear resistance to care-taking others has created a need to return care taking to myself.This distinction is my *gift from my Highest Good and one I cherish! This *gift is the catalyst for the awakening I mentioned in the video and directs my journey toward replenishing, restoration and the honoring my purpose.” Susan Johansen A quote that resonates deeply; “Step into the fire of self discovery. This fire will not burn you, it will only burn away what you are not.” Mooji I strive to embrace what I am and be free of what I am not. And So It Is ~

Aimee and Karl’s Life Purpose Demonstration Reading

“I found the Soul Stream Relationship Reading to offer powerful and clear insight into the gifts and growing of our relationship and of my individual journey. Georgette’s gentle and precise reflections gave me a deep sense of being seen and understood, as well as offering important suggestions for how we each can grow as people and as partners, in all domains of our lives. I am deeply grateful for the gift of this reading.” Karl Steyaert, Cultural Catalyst
“I’ve received a Soul Stream reading from Georgette for both myself and for my relationship with my partner, and both were incredibly meaningful. Georgette does an amazing job of creating a safe and sacred space to open up to the wisdom being offered and share vulnerably about how it impacts me. I really loved how she invited both my partner and I to reflect on the insights offered – to reflect on and integrate the information together, in the moment. It’s given us a shared frame of reference for the ways in which we compliment each other, and the ways in which we experience challenges, which allows us both to have more spaciousness and compassion around our triggers and areas of growth. I have so much trust in Georgette’s heart and the intention with which she offers each insight, and am always so grateful for my time with her. I’d recommend anyone looking for more connection to their journey of personal and/or interpersonal growth to do a Soul Stream reading with Georgette! Aimee Ryan