The ‘real you’ is a radiant river of light, a soul stream, deeply loving, intelligent, creative, powerful, consciously connected to the Greater field of Life and to all creation. You KNOW you are here with purpose to fulfill, creative potential for well being to experience and to bring forth your unique gifts to contribute to the creation of a better world. Perhaps you sense a gap between living your potential and where you are right now.
Just imagine… when your SOUL STREAM COACHING Session begins, you will immediately experience the transformative energy and healing potential of your work together arise between you.
Georgette will read your
LIFE MAP and describe the Big Picture for understanding the challenges and joys in your life from a soul perspective. The map will point to the divine design of your lifetime and serve to guide the on-going work together.
As she illuminates and describes your Life Purpose, Gifts, Talents and Karmic Lessons, you will feel deeply seen and validated. You’ll learn where you’re on track and where you’re off.
You will clarify a “North Star Vision” about the changes you want to see in yourself and your life. In the places where you are stuck and hitting blocks, the bright light of change and new possibilities for your life will ignite within you.
During your work together, Georgette will help you identify and transform previously unconscious barriers to the North Star Vision you most deeply desire to experience, express, create and contribute.
She will provide a focused structure, deep clearing practices, support, mentoring, and intuitive guidance to help you attain your specific goals. You will feel inspired, encouraged, empowered and experience breakthroughs and changes in relationship with your self, others, and Life right away!
In addition, you will learn tools and develop skills needed for moving through the inevitable challenges and blocks that will come up as you continue to evolve and create for the rest of your life.
Each session will end with a next-step action assignment designed to help you integrate the work and move towards the manifestation of your goals.
Are you ready to get the help and support you need to consciously evolve beyond the frustration and difficulties of stuck patterns? Ready to enter a free flow of love, joy, creative energy and action?
For more information, please contact Georgette Star MA, D.Min at

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ABOUT GEORGETTE-STAR, MA, D.Min ~ Soul Stream Coach Georgette Star graduated from the Naropa Institute with a Masters of Creation Spirituality and from the University of Creation Spirituality with a Doctorate of Ministry. Her educational journey includes training in Spiritual Direction and Hakomi Body Centered Counseling and over 30 years of private practice as a Soul Coach, including certification in
Feminine Power Coaching and 5 years of training with Contemporary Mystic, Thomas Hubel. Her mother, Shirley Donatello-Green was her first mentor in the SOUL STREAM LIFE MAP mapping system.
Contact Georgette for a FREE (15- minute)