Dr. Sarah Elizabeth Anderson Wylie, ND
Dr Sarah Wylie, a Naturopathic Physician, specializes in physical medicine to restore health in organ systems. She has been working at weaving together the legacy work of 3 amazing healers, to form a vibrant expression of women’s health care. She has studied extensively with Dr Rosita Arvigo, in a specific lineage of Mayan medicine, with Tami Kent for holistic care of the pelvic floor & with Georgette Star in soul mentoring & archetypal energy medicine, and preparing girls for menarche. Sarah’s vision is to facilitate release of stored energy, so that whatever work you do is powered by a strong current of balanced feminine and masculine energy.

Joanna Present Wolfe , Licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist
Joanna Present Wolfe has been practicing acupuncture and Chinese medicine in NW Portland, Oregon, since 2011, with a focus on emotional and spiritual balancing for grief, depression, anxiety, and life transitions. She also offers Soul Stream Life Coaching, either in conjunction with acupuncture or on its own, based on client preference. Soul Stream uses body-centered awareness practices, visualizations, numerology, and the chakra system to remove personal obstacles and clarify your path forward in life. One of Joanna’s favorite Chinese medical dictums is that “the teacher is on the table.” She honors that you, the client, are the expert on how you feel, and that you have the power to restore your innate state of wellness in all dimensions of your being. Her first goal is always to listen.
“I love to help you identify and transform your obstacles, on the levels of both physiology and soul. It is a joy to assist you in formulating tangible goals and action steps toward your personal fulfillment. Whatever intention you set for yourself will be our guiding principle.”
Joanna is winner of a 2016
“People Love Us on Yelp” award (
Click Here ) and also the author of
Leo and the Hidden Rainbow, the richly illustrated story of how one boy discovers his inner creative resources. Available on
Tracey Heartsun, CPCC
My name is Tracey Heartsun, Certified Life Coach since 2003, Graduate of the Life Blessing Institute in 2004, and most recently a graduate of The Soul-Stream Life Map & Mastery Program 2016.
I am Georgette’s program assistant and friend of 30 years. I was blessed to have found her as a young woman in my early 20’s and the wisdom teachings she has offered over many years has shaped my life dramatically. My spiritual journey began then and has guided my life since.
I am passionate about women’s empowerment, spiritual development and transformation. My destiny is that of the “Change Agent” and I find my calling to be a catalyst for change in my own life as well as the lives of others. Over the past 30 years I have participated and co-facilitated women groups, gatherings, retreats and events and find my greatest fulfillment and aliveness when doing so.
As a Life Coach I work with clients on a soul level. Discovering what the soul needs to be liberated and FREE to choose a life of fulfillment and love. I live in Boring, Oregon with my husband Dale, two dogs, and a family of ducks. I enjoy time in nature, nurturing and caring for animals and the planet. My greatest joy is the sisterhood I have in my life today…..something I wish for all women to experience and cherish.
Pamela Wirth, CPCC
I am proud mother of a delightful teen, a certified Life-and-Soul Coach and Forest Therapy guide. I’m also a rite of passage mentor for moms and girls, to help nourish and restore our essential feminine relationships. My work has evolved over the past 3 decades along with my spiritual practice and is motivated by deep love and care for Life. My background includes training with Jalaja Bonheim and her Institute for Circlework and certifications from Georgette Star’s Life Blessing Institute, The Coaches Training Institute, Feminine Power and the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy. I am a student of ‘modern mystic’ Thomas Hübl since 2013.
My great delight is to invite my clients outdoors. Here, under the trees, we can slow down, relax and align with our own true nature and sustainable flourishing.