Life is a Gift, the Original Blessing.

YOU emanate from the Source of Life Blessing as a unique and radiant light in our world.

There is no one else like you.

The universe rejoices in your presence.

Without you, the universe would be incomplete.

You are valued and valuable just because you exist.

You came to Earth to master the art of Soul Embodiment, to Be & to Become.

You are here to experience everything it means to be, a spark of Light in human form exploring the 9 Pathways of the Soul.

The more you Fall in Love with your Soul AND your Humanity, the more your life will become a miraculous flow.

Prioritizing your relationship with Soul and Source creates a alignment that will place everyone and everything else into perspective.

You are a Creator.

You have Infinite Creative Potential to co-create your Souls Intentions/Agenda.

As a Conscious Creator, you are responsible for your experience.

As you take responsibility you gain immense potency as a Conscious Creator.

You have a Sacred Life Purpose that only you can discover and fulfill.

Your Soul has a unique signature or code, which can be uncovered. Your Soul Signature contains knowledge of all that you came with into this life: your purpose, needs for fulfillment, natural abilities, capacities to develop lessons and more.

Your Purpose had two main expressions:

Personal: To face your fears with unconditional love and compassion. As you heal and update ancestral/cultural limited beliefs about what you can do, be. You become an evolutionary update for future generations

Collective: To bring forth your gifts and abilities in ways that contributes to the co-creation of a better world. This often manifests as your vocation or career path.

Innate well-being remains Your Soul’s essential nature. Even when life conditions are difficult, your emotional state painful, and future uncertain.

There are 9 Pathways of Soul Development. You will learn and evolve capacities and skills in each one throughout your lifetime.

You can implicitly trust the process of your Souls Evolution regardless of the situation.

Trusting in the Bigger Picture activates immense power to persevere when you are challenged.

When those around you are struggling, you will be a source of comfort and inspiration.

You will experience your Sacred Life Purpose in all its many forms as your “Motivation” and “Will” to actualize your intentions each day.

The expression of your Sacred Life Purpose will evolve and change as you do. Trust the process.

At the Collective level, you will contribute to the creation of Feminine & Masculine Balance and the possibility of a more sustainable world as you bring these principles and capacities such as “receptive stillness” and “active expression” into greater balance within you.

Your Soul is your Guide for your Life Journey.

You have the capacity to connect and cultivate direct access to Soul Guidance for the navigation of your daily choices, challenges and to create the future that you desire.

Make time for stillness to access Soul Connection.

This is the most powerful gift you can give to yourself, to the one’s you love most and to our world.

The guidance and inspiration you need to manifest healing, your creative potential, the beautiful life you want to live and your greatest contributions can only be found within.

It takes fierce commitment to be quiet and turn within.

This is a life long practice!

From a state of Soul Alignment, your energy, presence and expression is a contribution wherever you go and what ever you do.

Your radiant light elicits a ripple effect of blessing throughout the field of our interconnectivity.

Believe it.

You ARE Life’s Blessing.